Scholarships in Slovak Republic

Scholarships of the Government of the Slovak Republic

     The provision of scholarships of the SR Government is a long-term component of development assistance by the SR, which is a programme and project activity of the SR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the international community.
In 2007 the Slovak Government adopted Act no. 617/2007 on Official Development Assistance by the Slovak Republic, creating the institutional basis for the provision of official development aid (hereinafter simply "ODA") in all its forms.
For ensuring the coordination of procedures between individual providers of SR development aid the SR Government adopted the Medium – Term Strategy of Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2014 – 2018 and the Focus of the Bilateral Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2015, by which was imposed in paragraph B.2. of the Government Resolution no. 26/2015 to the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR to ensure the financial resources for bilateral development cooperation, which is provided in the form of provision of scholarships of the Government of the Slovak Republic in accordance with the territorial and sectoral focus and the terms of the OECD.

The provision of scholarships of the SR Government in the framework of conditions set out by the OECD for realization of ODA includes also scholarships of the SR Government for Slovak nationals living abroad.
The granting of these scholarships has become a component of the state support for Slovak nationals living abroad, which has been created progressively with the adoption of Act no. 474/2005 Coll. on the Slovak Nationals Living Abroad and on Change and Amendment to Some Acts, with the creation of the Office for Slovak Nationals Living Abroad and with the adoption of the White Paper for State Policy on Care for Slovak Nationals Living Abroad to 2015 approved by Government Resolution no. 625/2008.

The deadline for submission of online application form (available on the website: the webpage will be active from 23 March, 2015) for the scholarships of the SR Government for the academic year 2015/2016 is 28 May, 2015.